- A-F
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- L-P
- Q-T
- U-Z
A high-level programming language created from Java, C, C++ and Python, used to help customers customize their SAP ERP system, including SAP apps.
ABAP Runtime Analysis
A function for measuring and analyzing the performance of all programs, transactions, and function modules.
You use the runtime analysis function to generate lists that identify runtime-intensive statements, summarize table accesses, and show the program flow hierarchy. This information helps you to find and analyze problems.
AppHaus Network
A community of SAP partners across the globe united in the belief that innovation should start with a human-centered approach.
A Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI) are APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). They make SAP systems accessible to other SAP systems and third-party applications.
Within your SAP system landscape there is an SAP EC application server and an SAP CRM application server. In some cases, you may decide to call a function in your SAP CRM from SAP ECC. You can do so using a BAPI.
SAP Basis is a technical foundation (middleware programs) that enable SAP applications to function
Batch Processing
The ability to process large amounts of data at the same time. Once the project has begun, it typically cannot be adjusted.
An abbreviation for a Business Object Repository. A BOR is a centrally managed database of SAP object types and their associated BAPIs.
An abbreviation that stands for Business Planning and Consolidation. SAP BPC provides users with a unified view of financial and operational data to support strategic planning and budgeting.
Business Process
Your organization's internal and external steps take to execute a series of defined activities to complete a business-related activity.
An abbreviation for business information warehouse, a data warehousing product based on the SAP NetWeaver ABAP platform. Business users will typically access SAP BW through a developer-built application or dashboard.
An SAP tool for grouping and automation business transactions that are repetitive for test runs and test modules.
Additional installable programs or tools that reside on either the front-end or back-end systems where they act as client programs within an SAP NetWeaver system landscape.
Cloud Foundry
SAP Cloud Foundry is an open source, Platform as a Service (PaaS) that manages multi-cloud applications in one cockpit. SAP Cloud Foundry is the technology that SAP Cloud Platform (SCP) is based on and is used for developing and deploying cloud applications in both private and public cloud environments.
Cloud Platform Cockpit
The central Web-based user interface for administrators, providing access to several functions for managing applications and connecting them to services like SCP. The cockpit can be used to manage resources, services, security, monitor application metrics and performance applications.
Cloud Platform Launchpad service
A central access point to SAP where custom-built, third-party applications and extensions can be accessed.
An abbreviation for controlling, an SAP ECC component that manages cost center accounting, profit center accounting, internal orders and financial planning.
The fourth phase in design thinking where the prototypes truly come to life and development starts after much user testing and sign-off from the business.
A process aimed at uncovering core business problems and finding solutions that work by focusing on the end users – the ones who interact directly with technology – and the entire process surrounding that technology. It is about discovering the art of the possible with the end users in mind.
The third phase in the design thinking process where we begin ideating solutions with the customer. This typically takes the form of a ‘whiteboard session’, where we invite customers into our SAP AppHaus Design Centre and arm them with coloured Sharpie markers and Post-it notes. Tools in hand, we begin brainstorming ideas based on prompts from our Design Thinking experts.
The purchasing and sourcing of any goods, materials or services directly related to the creation of your company’s core offering.
The second phase in the design thinking process where we gain an accurate understanding of the problems we are trying to solve, by working closely with the business, either with the end user or with users in customer-facing roles.
An abbreviation for “dynamic program”, which is a repository object and the screen and associated elements of an ABAP program.
An abbreviation for SAP ERP Central Component, an on-premises system that is also referred to as SAP ERP. SAP ECC often acts as the foundation for an enterprise business suite and is composed of 10 functional core components and two technical components. ECC is believed to eventually be replaced by S/4HANA.
An abbreviation that stands for Environment, Health and Safety in reference to the efforts in place to protect the health and safety of employees, the public and potential hazards associated with a given workplace.
Enhancement Packages (EhPs)
A method to allow SAP ERP customers to import and manage new software functionality to running systems. Enhancement Packages are optional, allowing for customers to select which capabilities they would like to implement.
Enterprise Portal
SAP Enterprise portal allows users to view corporate portals using the responsive Fiori launchpad experience.
ERP System
An Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a single efficient system, where all the core competencies of an organization work together to plan and deliver the products with efficient results.
An abbreviation for Employee Self-Service, referring to the way in which users can access personal information including their employment verification letter and tax forms.
The first phase in the design thinking process where we work closely with the stakeholders to explore the areas of their business processes that require innovation.
A commonly used functional component of ECC for financial accounting. SAP FI includes transactions of customers and vendors and handles receivables from sales, payables for procurement, and cash management.
A design guideline that determines the look and feel of SAPUI5, iOS and Android applications.
Fiori Configuration Cockpit
A browser-based tool to create new and existing content for the SAP Fiori launchpad.
Fiori Launchpad
The SAP Fiori launchpad is a central access point for all SAP Fiori applications. Each application is one tile on the Fiori launchpad and can be launched by clicking on the tile. This is very similar to launching an application by tapping it on your smartphone.
Fiori Standard Apps
A set of apps created by SAP to address the most frequently used SAP functions.
Functional Unit
A configured and activated unit of SAP NetWeaver that allows for the planning, execution and administration of business-related activities such as process steps within IT scenarios.
SAP Gateway connects the front-end with the back-end using OData. One example is SAP Gateway making the connection between an SAPUI5 application and an application server like SAP S/4HANA.
The SAP Gateway itself is a back-end system and can be either a standalone gateway server or integrated into an application server like SAP ECC or SAP S/4HANA. The central hub refers to a standalone gateway server, while embedded deployment refers to an integrated gateway.
Goods Receipt
A term used for inventory management, referring to the movement of goods or materials within the materials management (MM) function in SAP. Can be accessed using the tcode MIGO.
More information can be found in our Goods Receipt application.
SAP GUI is an acronym for graphical user interface. GUI is the presentation layer of SAP and has a windows look and feel, which can be used by pointing the cursor and clicking the mouse to operate.
An abbreviation for HANA Extended Application Services, which is an application server in the SAP HANA database that supports the development of SAP HANA applications.
The purchasing and sourcing of any goods, materials or services required for the continued operation of your business, but not directly related to the creation of your company’s core offering.
Learn more about the differences between direct and indirect procurement in this blog post.
An abbreviation for Materials Management, a functional module in SAP ECC used for procurement handling and inventory management covering all tasks within the supply chain.
An abbreviation for Manager Self-Service. SAP MSS provides an interface for managers to report and update data for their team including employee timesheets and team info and leave balances.
SAP NetWeaver is the technical foundation and solution stack for SAP applications such as SAP R/3, SAP ECC, and SAP S/4HANA.
Open Data Protocol opens up SAP’s data silos and is known as the glue between the front-end (an application) and the back-end (the application server).
OData is a way of sending data between the client-side and the back-end.
Online transaction processing involves gathering input information, processing the data and updating existing data to reflect the collected and processed information.
An abbreviation for Online Analytical Processing, which is the approach to answer multi-dimensional analytical queries, providing capabilities for complex calculations, trend analysis and sophisticated data modeling.
A term used to describe the process of integrating the purchasing and accounts payable departments to cover step from purchasing requisitioning through to invoice creation and payment.
Purchase Order (PO)
A purchase order is confirmation of a charge created by your department and sent to an external supplier. A purchase order can be created using the tcode ME21N.
Purchase Requisition (PR)
An internal document which is created when goods or services are requested by a department outside of purchasing. This is done using the tcode ME51N.
More information can be found on our Simplified Requisitioning application webpage.
The predecessor for SAP ECC, R/3 is a comprehensive set of integrated business applications from SAP.
Run & Scale
The fifth and final phase and the design thinking process Here the solution is deployed, and end users can begin using the finished product and experience the benefits from the tested prototype.
The next generation business suite from SAP, viewed as a digital core for your organization and is built on the SAP HANA platform.
Central access point for S/4HANA related information including all releases, all deployment models, release restrictions, documentation, trials, conversion guides.
SAPUI5 is a framework for building responsive web apps. The framework consists of HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. SAPUI5 separates front-end development from back-end development with a Model-View-Controller architecture.
An enterprise marketplace where customers and partners can view, trial or purchase SAP-approved partner applications that can be extended onto their existing SAP system.
Supply chain management (SCM) is the process of managing the supply chain process of transforming raw materials into finished goods.
An acronym abbreviating SAP Cloud Platform, a Platform as a Service (PaaS) developed by SAP SE for creating new applications and tailoring existing applications in a cloud environment that is managed by SAP.
Screen Personas
A user interface layer to put over the SAP screens to make SAP GUI transactions easier. SAP Screen Personas is included in the standard SAP ERP license.
A document that is used to record precise specifications regarding services performed by a contractor or vendor, typically in reference to a purchase order (PO).
System Landscape Directory (SLD)
A central provider of technical system information for consumers in the system landscape. Information is supplied from SLD data suppliers and is installed from technical systems and the SAP software catalog.
Structured Data
Data represented by an XML element that is entered in every field of the structure as a sub-element of the parameter element.
Each transaction is made up of a code known as a T-Code. Users can enter a T-code into the command field in GUI, rather than browsing through the menu tree.
Transactions are dialogs that guide the user through input screens in SAP GUI.
User Experience
Sometimes referred to as “UX,” the interaction the end-user has with a brand, company, products, interface or services.
Web Client UI
The SAP Web Client UI is a browser-based standardized user interface that SAP initially developed for their CRM on-premises but is now used by other SAP products such as SAP Solution Manager.
The SAP Web Client UI includes a variety of user interface elements that enable the user to display, search for, and update information.
Work Zone
A central workplace entry point for business applications, processes, information and communication can be accessed from any device.